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7 Tips to Run a Better Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Virtual Town Hall Meeting or Team All-Hands has been gaining matchless ubiquity in the event industry in recent times. It is primarily so because town hall meetings play a vital role for all organizations and companies. Especially in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, as it became nearly impossible to host significant events and meetings, the importance of these events grew even more. A lot has happened and affected various organizations or different industries. Therefore, there’s also a lot that the heads of the company need to discuss with their team members.

From business strategies and goals to the workflow and vision evolutions, an organization needs to have several discussions with its team that are of great significance for the business growth. It is also important for all the employees and staff of an organization to be on the same page as all.

Hence, in this situation, the concept of hosting virtual events came to the rescue of the events industry as well as organizations. It has efficiently made the process of hosting events possible and without compromising any aspect. In this article, we will know all about making the most out of a team all-hands meeting. Let us move ahead and understand the basics of a Town Hall Meeting.

What is a Town Hall Meeting?

An all-hands meeting is an annual, quarterly, or sometimes even monthly organizational meeting where all the employees and staff of the meeting come together to have an official company-related discussion. In this meeting, the head of the company addresses its staff including all the stakeholders, managers, team leads, employees, etc. The town hall topics of the meeting can be about keeping the employees up to date about the latest information, discussing the goals and values of the organization, feedback collection, etc.

Significance of Virtual Town Hall Meeting

With the emergence of virtual event platforms, hosting virtual town hall meetings has made the process extremely easy and smooth. Not just this but, it also means that you can now reach your town hall meeting on a global level with none of your global employees needing to travel.

The virtual town hall meetings are most advantageous for the organizations that have their branches across states and countries. All in all, hybrid meetings are a well-trusted way to build and strengthen the company culture.

Alternatives to Town Hall Meetings

There are various ways to add more value to all-hands team meetings.

Moving ahead let’s explore some of the top ideas to enhance engagement at your virtual all-hands meeting. Let’s explore some alternatives below:

By introducing a company-wide chat feature, you can always keep your employees updated about the latest happenings. You can also share valuable data like progress reports and presentations using the group chat idea.

The idea is to incorporate the team meeting notes feature on the event platform itself so your attendees can share and access important meeting notes in real-time.

All town hall meetings involve metrics related to aspects like sales, growth, revenue, marketing, expenses, etc. The idea is to share such quantitative details with the team on a regular basis to promote team transparency and awareness.

Let us move ahead and explore some of the best tips to enhance your virtual town hall meeting.

7 Tips for an Effective Town Hall Meeting

#1 Encourage the Achievers

Everybody loves appreciation and acknowledgement. Therefore, include a session in the meeting dedicated to encouraging the top performers and achievers of the company under various themes. You can reward them with digital certificates or send them goodies beforehand.

#2 Include Ice-Breaking Activities

By incorporating efficient ice-breaking activities, you can get the interaction and engagement at your virtual event going at an improved pace. Motivate your attendees to interact with each other to make the most out of your meeting.

#3 Use a Variation in the Sessions

Too many informative sessions can bore your attendees. Therefore, include a variety of sessions in your all-hands meeting agenda to ensure that all your attendees have a good event experience at the meeting.

#4 Introduce a Moderator

This idea falls under the list of virtual town hall best practices as a moderator can clearly ensure seamless execution of your event. The moderator can have meeting controls to make sure that nothing goes wrong at the event.

#5 Include Interactive Activities

By including excellent interactive activities at your online meeting, you can efficiently keep your attendees engaged throughout the event. Interactivity is one of the key elements that drive the engagement prospects at any virtual meeting. Hence, include interactive tools like live polls, Q&A sessions, live contests, trivia, etc., to ensure active interactivity at the meeting.

#6 Make Your Virtual Meeting Engaging

There are various ways in which you can keep your attendees enticed and motivated to actively participate in the event. An advanced virtual event platform like Dreamcast provides you with countless engagement tools, activities, and features to enhance engagement at your online event.

This way, you can also be sure about the success prospects of your meeting. Some of the best engagement tools provided by Dreamcast are a photo booth, attractive exhibit booths, social wall, signature wall, virtual scavenger hunt, virtual escape room, etc.

#7 Create an Effective Agenda

The most important aspect of hosting any virtual event is to make it as engaging as possible. It is because the more your attendees feel engaged, the more you walk towards the success of your event. You can keep your attendees engaged through various elements like networking, sponsorships, interactivity, etc.

But the most effective way is to create an interesting meeting agenda. If you structure a tedious event flow for the event schedule, chances are your attendees will leave the meeting. Therefore, make sure you not only include a variety of sessions but also provide enough mini-breaks and keep the sessions short as longer sessions can lead to attendees having meeting fatigue.

Bring all these best practices together and organize an efficient Virtual Town Hall Meeting. To ensure the success of your virtual meeting, Reach out to Dreamcast and book a town hall demo today!

Virtual Events ideas for Companies

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