The Secret of Exfoliating Brushes

Exfoliating brushes are used for removing dead and dull skin on the body. They are a vital tool in any anti-acne regimen. It’s important to note that when choosing an exfoliating brush, you should be especially careful about the bristles. Since they will be rubbing into your skin, you want a gentle bristled brush that won’t cause painful redness.
Choosing the right one can be difficult. The simplest way to choose an exfoliating brush is to buy a set which contains several different types of exfoliating brushes. For instance, if you have oily hair, you may choose a bristle brush with tiny scrubbing bars that are designed to remove dead skin cells. If you have very dry hair, on the other hand, you will want to use a bristle brush with a large sponge to help you exfoliate your hair. Both styles of exfoliating brushes can be found in just about every health and beauty department, so take a look around and you’re sure to find the perfect one for you!
There are a few things to keep in mind when using these types of brushes. First, you should only exfoliate your hair when necessary. Brushing your hair daily will only irritate your scalp, which in turn increases your chances for developing acne. In order to reduce the number of bacteria that forms on your scalp, you need to exfoliate your hair daily or using a scalp scrub, but you don’t want to do it too much. Instead, give yourself a break every now and then and rejuvenate your hair with a good brush.
Most exfoliating brushes are designed to be used wet, but many people find that using the brushes damp on their hair makes the process more effective. Some also prefer to use it dry. If you choose to use the brushes dry, make sure that you wash out all of the excess water by getting some shampoo in there and rinsing out the brush. It is best to get a couple of towels to help you wipe out the excess water and keep it away from your face.
The first step when using exfoliating brushes on your hair is to gently scrub your hair until all of the dead skin cells and debris is gone. Next, start brushing your hair from the base of the root to the tip. When applying the scrubbing motion, use both long and short strokes. You want to exfoliate your hair thoroughly, but not at the same time as you may have to tug at your hair while it is being brushed.
After applying the exfoliating cream, wait 30 minutes before washing your hair. This gives the cream time to work and get into your hair shafts. Then wash your hair as normal, but this time I recommend that you use the ceramic bristle brush. This helps the cream along. Now your hair will be shinier, fuller, and just the way you want it!
I use this every day! I almost forgot the biggest mistake you could make! Use a shampoo that contains sulfate. These are harsh chemicals that strip away the natural oils that our bodies need to stay healthy. Once you wash these out of your hair, you’ll start to see the effects almost immediately!
You may have to experiment with which types of exfoliating brushes or chemical shampoo you want to use. However, this is an easy thing to do and well worth the extra time and effort. Once you get used to exfoliate your hair, it will be something you look forward to and won’t dread doing. Good luck on your quest to a better scalp!