PTE Academic(The Pearson Test of English Academic)
PTE Academic is a computer-based test which delivers real-life measures of test takers’ language ability. The test is designed for non-native speakers who wish to study in an institution where English is the primary language of instruction Who should take it: PTE Academic is designed for students whose first language is not English and who need to meet English-language proficiency requirements for higher education applications and admissions. Test ModulesSpeaking and Writing – These modules assess all communications skills of a test taker. It utilizes up-to-date technology to accurately and authentically measure your English language ability. The test consists of three parts with one optional break, as outlined in the table below.
Part Content Time Allowed Introduction Introduction Not timed Part 1 Speaking & Writing 77 – 93 minutes Part 2 Reading 32 – 44 minutes Optional Break 10 minutes Part 3 Listening 45 – 57 minutes PTE Academic uses content gathered from real-world sources and from a variety of media such as the Internet, radio, television and textbooks. The language you will hear on the test reflects the variety of accents that you will hear in an academic setting. You are provided with an erasable whiteboard notebook so that you can take notes during the test.
Register for PTE AcademicYou can register to take PTE Academic at a time and date that is convenient for you. The test is available on a “choose and book” basis in test centres around the world. You can see an up-to-date list of available test centres here. You will receive your scores online typically within five business days. After receiving your scores, you can send them to as many institutions as you like, at no additional charge. Institutions will receive scores normally within 48 hours after a student indicates their desire to send scores.
Placement Test Practice
If you are having difficulty scheduling your Placement Test, please contact the UNG Testing Office. Practice, practice, practice before your scheduled Placement Test. If you have a physical or learning disability, contact Disability Services promptly to discuss whether or not you are eligible for accommodations at UNG for your Placement Test. The night before your Placement Test, get a good night’s sleep. This is not an ideal time to stay out late with friends. Take a rain check on that. Make certain you eat something nutritious before your test. Your brain cannot work on low fuel. Also, make certain you are hydrated.
Good choices are fruit, yoghurt, almonds, peanut butter crackers and water.
The testing environment tends to be a little cool, so please bring a sweater with you, just in case. Scratch paper and pencils are provided by the testing administrator. You will not be permitted to use an outside calculator or your cell phone in the testing centre; lockers are provided to secure your personal items. If you are required to take more than one subject area test.
the order in which they are administered is Writing 1st (if required); Reading 2nd (if required); and Math 3rd (if required). All of this is completed on a computer in one session. Please read all test directions carefully. We often see students scoring low on the Placement Test simply because they rush through the directions and then don’t fully understand or follow them. The directions for each test are different, so take the time to read through each set of instructions.
The Placement Tests are not timed (with the exception of the WritePlacer). Please do not be concerned if other students are finishing before you. They may not be required to take the same number of tests as you. They also may have a different set of math problems or different reading passages than you. Nobody is your pace car and this isn’t a race to the finish line. Following the University System of Georgia policy, UNG will use your Next Generation Accuplacer scores to determine placement into or out of Learning Support.
Your scores do not determine admissibility but, rather, determine placement. For more information about Learning Support, you can read about it on the Learning Support Website. Upon receiving an Admissions decision on your Check Application Status site, please contact Dede DeLaughter (by email or by phone at 706-310-6207)with any questions you may have about your test results and/or any retesting options.
If you do place into Learning Support, please understand that this is not punitive but, rather, in your best interest. UNG strives to support you in achieving your academic goals, and that includes starting you in the appropriate level of instruction that sets you up for academic success. If you have a red yes in any Placement Test Required row on your Check Application Status page in Banner, read the information below relating to the area in which you have the red yes.
If you need assistance or wish to opt-out of Accuplacer testing, please email Don’t rush. You will have one hour to write your essay. Use the provided scratch paper to do your brainstorming. Using your brainstorming ideas, write your essay. BEFORE YOU SUBMIT your essay, PROOFREAD! Proofreading tips: Make sure your essay actually answers the prompt.
If you used examples, make certain they are clear and concise. Avoid using impressive-sounding vocabulary unless you are absolutely certain you are using those words correctly. Re-read every paragraph carefully. You know what you meant to say. Will the reader know what you meant to say? Re-read your entire essay from the bottom to the top, one sentence at a time.
Can you take an STI test when you have your period?
A swab rests near a tube, part of a chlamydia screening test kit. I was lying under a blanket, enjoying a chill Friday evening when my phone buzzed. I sat bolt upright. The message was from the guy I’d been sleeping with. And the test did not refer to a COVID lateral flow. “What do you mean?” I said, my heart pounding in my chest. “I’ve just found out I’ve got chlamydia,” he replied. My health anxiety sent me through a loop that night.
I immediately went to the Sexual Health London (SHL) website and ordered myself a free STI (sexually transmitted infections) home test kit. But the annoying thing was, chlamydia has around a two-week incubation period. The last time I’d had sex with this person was just a few days prior.
I looked at my period app and calculated that 14 days from the possible infection date, Mother Nature was also sending something else my way: my period. SEE ALSO: Can you have sex when you have a yeast infection? The day after getting the text, I realised I needed to do something to stop my mind from going around in circles. Mid-spiral, I went to the pharmacy and bought myself a rapid chlamydia test. It was negative, which gave me some short-lived relief. I wanted to fast forward through time so I could put myself out of my misery but I had questions.
Can you take an STI test when you have your period? Or did I need to wait until my period had ended before taking the test? STIs are common and anyone who has oral, anal, vaginal sex, or genital skin-to-skin can get an STI. Per Planned Parenthood, nearly all sexually active people get an STI at some point in their life. I trawled the internet and found little that could tell me definitively one way or another.
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