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Mean Stack vs. Full Stack: Which Is The Ideal Framework?

Web development is evolving at a phenomenal pace, as more advanced and better frameworks are springing up with time. That being said, we must all know that any web application or website is made of two different parts. Namely the front-end and back-end. The developers equipped with the necessary skills and experience to deal with these are full stack and mean stack developers. Today we will take a detailed look at both full stack and mean stack development to get a comprehensive understanding of the matter. But first, let us understand the basics of web development.

What is Web Development?

Web development is the process of developing or designing web applications or websites for businesses, personal usage, mobile phones, and more. As mentioned earlier. The most important thing to understanding here is that web development can be divided into two different components. Front-end web development and back-end web development.

When it comes to full-stack developers, they are qualified to work on both back-end, front-end, and other APIs. On the contrary, Mean stack developers are competent enough to work on specific frameworks, including ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS.    

Advantages Of Full-Stack Development

Disadvantages Of Full Stack Development

Advantages Of Mean Stack Web Development   

Disadvantages Of Mean Stack Web Development

Similarities Between Full Stack Web Development And Mean Stack Web Development

The first and the most notable similarity between the two. Is that there is a huge demand for expertise in both fields. On the one hand, we have full-stack developers who are equipping with enhanced knowledge. On the other hand, we have mean stack development where the developers are more mindful about the projects related to JavaScript. 


As we can see, both full-stack and mean stack development have their specific perks and downsides. Therefore, one must evaluate all the pros and cons before moving forward with any particular web development technique. The market is full of full stack and means stack development companies, and as mean-stack is a part of full-stack. Therefore, developers have to learn mean-stack to be able to work using full-stack web development.

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