
Building Robust Customer-Business Relationship Using Quality Assurance Software

How Can US Based Inbound Call Center Services Benefit Your Healthcare Business?Every call center is now concerned about its key metrics to measure the quality of the performance and build a high customer experience. One of those significant call center performance metrics is first call resolution. As the brands focus more on call quality and customer experience, they prefer using quality assurance software for better productivity and effectiveness.

What is first call resolution (FCR) in a call center?

First call resolution rate, unlike other call center performance metrics, defines the agent’s ability to resolve the customer problems over the first call. The higher is the FCR of the call center, the more the customers’ satisfaction rate. Maximum call centers aim at driving in higher FCR with lower talk time. They believe that the less time you spend interacting with the customer in satisfying them with their needs, the more they can enjoy better customer loyalty.

How to improve the first call resolution rate in your call center?

Learn about the issues that failed to reach a resolution:

Call center agents are well-trained to resolve the customer issue in no time. However, there are scenarios when the agents failed to come to a solution during their first interaction with the customer. This happens due to a lack of knowledge in solving issues or maybe for other serious reasons. In order to improve the FCR, your first job should be learning about the issues that prevented the agents from reaching out to the resolution.

While you identify the issues, it becomes easier for the managers to understand the root cause and optimize the workflow. It elevates the customer experience as you uncover the issues that restrict the agent’s effectiveness.

Read more: An Ultimate Guide on Call Center Quality Assurance: How and Why It Is important?

Filtering calls for better analysis:

Another wise approach to improving first call resolution is by filtering the calls for better analysis. Guess what? The quality assurance software makes it possible to generate contextual data and analyze the call center process.

You can use the software solution to figure out the calls that require advanced training and more than other calls to resolve the problem. You need to understand these calls and differentiate the calls from others so that you can train the agents as per the requirements and priorities. This reduces the number of calls, thereby improving the customer satisfaction rate for the call center.

Constant FCR analysis:

You can’t meet the desired result unless and until you analyze the score and eliminate the issues associated with it. Thanks to the call center QA software solutions allow users to monitor the calls, listen to the customer-agent interactions, and generate analytical data that are good to measure.

Is your call center support omnichannel service solutions? If yes, this particular step is much more impactful. Analyzing the comprehensive report, you can find out the agents’ performance across different mediums.

The analytical data is further used to set goals for FCR improvement, optimize agent’s performance, improve call center efficiency, and much more.

Avoid transfers or call routing:

When you are done with monitoring omnichannel customer support calls and generating real-time data, your next immediate job should be to detect the call transfers. Call transfer or call routing, no matter for what reason it is, hamper the first call resolution rate.

Customers never appreciate this particular way of treating from the call centers. If you check out the extreme cases, customers often hang up the line when they experience a long delay or wait in response. Again, routing the calls to the wrong department is not a good sign for a call center. It can show the worst FCR stats and obviously decrease customer satisfaction rates.

If not wrong, customers always look for direct calls where they can share their concerns and get them solved in no time.

Check out the number of calls that are transferred, routed, or escalated to other agents for immediate resolution. You need to avoid such drastic steps in order to experience high first-call resolution rates.

Read more: How Can US Based Inbound Call Center Services Benefit Your Healthcare Business?

Train your call center agents:

Finally, if you are done with all the above-mentioned tips to improve the FCR score of your call center, it’s time to train your agents. You can use the QA scoreboard to learn about the agent’s capabilities and figure out the areas of optimization.

Advance training and development programs can always help the agents to boost their knowledge and skillsets. You need to make them aware of the emerging tools and technologies required to solve customer issues effectively. Giving proper training sessions to your employees will always keep your workforce active and productive.

Final thoughts

Measuring the FCR and evaluating the team performance should always be the top priority of a call center. It helps the agents boost their own efficiency and improves the customer experience.

Speech analytics and text analytics data have a great impact on FCR. The digitally-enhanced tools like quality assurance software enable managers to analyze real-time interactions and improve customer-business relationships.

Get the best software solution for better FCR in your call center.

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