The world has not remained the way it used to be. Due to the significant change in our lifestyle and surroundings, humans have been on the losing end for a long time. Though pregnancy can sometimes be complex yet miscarriages were never so common as they are now. About 15% of pregnant women experience a miscarriage. Sometimes miscarriage happens in normal pregnancy, which raises questions regarding miscarriage causes.
Random chromosomal abnormalities cause most early miscarriages, and up to 70% are genetic abnormalities before 20 weeks. After researching for years, it has been found that older age, obesity, and chronic medical problems such as diabetes, certain thyroid disorders, and high blood pressure also increase the risk of miscarriage. If you want to beat miscarriage causes, you are in the right place because, in this blog, we will list certain practices for pregnant women that will help you remain healthy and save your child. Let’s give this blog a read.
Ways to get rid of Miscarriage Causes
Quit smoking
We have known for many years that smoking poses a significant health risk. It increases the risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Women who smoke are more likely to have infertility and/or miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, or low birth weight babies.
Babies born to women who smoke have a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Quitting smoking can not only save your child’s life; It can guarantee that you will live for many years as a parent.
Lose weight before pregnancy
Like smoking, obesity is linked to many health problems – from an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, to pregnancy complications, including childbirth, early preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and miscarriage.
We don’t understand all the reasons why obesity is linked to miscarriage. But studies around the world show similar results. Obese women have a much higher risk of losing children.
Don’t drink alcohol
In the United States, women are advised to avoid alcohol during pregnancy. The risk of fetal alcohol syndrome is why most people know, but there is also a risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, especially with frequent or excessive alcohol consumption.
Other countries have different recommendations on how safe alcohol consumption is during pregnancy, but no minimum safe level is known, so the most sensible thing to do is to abstain entirely during pregnancy. Talk to your healthcare provider if you drink frequently or think you can’t stop drinking.
Getting started with prenatal care
If you have not started with prenatal care, you should do so soon. A physical examination by your doctor or midwife may reveal health problems or pregnancy complications that you did not know about. If left untreated, it could lead to miscarriage – such as high blood pressure, gestational or type 2 diabetes, and cervical abnormalities uterus. Or you have sexually transmitted diseases.
Above all, make yourself happy. You would have noticed that easy-going mothers are those who remain so glad. During pregnancy, there are many things that women worry about, and the most common thing is their figure and skin. If it makes you happy to look good, follow some advised skin beauty tips on our page that will help you feel good about yourself. Eventually, these skin beauty tips will keep you and your baby healthy.
Influenza Vaccination
Although some women fear that influenza vaccination could cause miscarriage, this study found no increased risk of miscarriage after influenza vaccination. An inactivated influenza vaccine should be given at any stage of pregnancy.
Women who develop the flu during pregnancy are at high risk – especially the H1N1 strain, which is more likely to be fatal to pregnant women than to the general population. A high fever during pregnancy is also associated with neural tube defects.
People who become infected with COVID-19 may become more ill than others and have a higher risk of preterm birth. Take precautionary measures to avoid getting the virus and discuss vaccinations with your doctor.
Be Careful in the Kitchen
Foodborne illnesses like Listeria can increase the risk of miscarriage. Although pregnant women are often advised to avoid foods that are the most common sources of dangerous bacteria, such as undercooked meats and unpasteurized cheeses, they are not the only possible sources. For women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, eating safe foods is even more critical than usual.
For safety, wash hands before and after handling raw food—Cook meat, fish, and eggs to the recommended temperature. Wash fresh produce thoroughly. Refrigerate leftovers immediately. Use or freeze meat and fish within one to two days of purchase.
Eat Properly
A healthy diet is not just a concern for women trying to lose weight. Research has found that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.
A 2011 Stanford University study found that women on such a diet were less likely to have children with brain disease. A healthy diet is also associated with optimal weight control and blood sugar control in women with diabetes.
Take Medication
Chronic health problems such as lupus, diabetes, and high blood pressure are associated with an increased chance of losing a pregnancy. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, you will have the best prerequisites for a healthy pregnancy if you keep your condition under optimal control both before conception and during pregnancy.
If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, talk to your doctor about how best to control your condition. Follow all your doctor’s recommendations, including prescription or over-the-counter medications.
If you are considering pregnancy, start taking prenatal vitamins before conceiving. The benefits of folic acid are most important in the early stages of pregnancy, even before you know you are pregnant. Adequate folic acid intake is essential to prevent neural tube defects in your baby, which can be fatal depending on the severity.
So, these are eight things that you should do to avoid miscarriage causes and lead a happy pregnancy. Using the latest skin beauty tips can be the best hack to feel good about yourself in such times.