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5 Most Common Reasons for Divorce

Marriage is based on the principles of mutual love, respect, mutual assistance, and responsibility to the family. But realities of life often dictate their own conditions. As a result, the number of divorces has only increased in recent years. The divorce attorney NYC tells the most common reasons people give to divorce.

Cheating on one of the spouses

Marital fidelity is one of the foundations on which family relationships are built. Entering into a love relationship with a third person, regardless of the reasons, almost always leads to a split in the family, and, as a result, to divorce. Cheating is frowned upon in most modern cultures, and often even a single incident becomes the basis for divorce.

Alcohol or drug addiction

Bad habits are not always a matter of personal choice, often close people suffer from addiction to alcohol and drugs, and first of all – the family. Coping with addiction is also far from always possible: in the early stages, the problem does not seem serious, and many believe that they can stop at any time. If the addict himself or his loved ones do not start sounding the alarm or do not want to fight, the addiction is aggravated. This often leads to a deterioration in family relationships and living conditions, and divorce becomes the most obvious solution.

Domestic violence 

This applies not only to physical, but also to psychological violence, and the law in many cases is powerless to solve this problem. As a result, one of the spouses may be completely dependent on their partner – materially or morally. In such a relationship, a person can lose confidence in himself and in his own strengths, becoming a victim. This process develops gradually, and can not always be identified in the early stages when something can still be changed.

Financial problems

Lack of money for living together and running a household is a serious obstacle to family relationships. Usually, this problem gets worse over the years, when spouses acquire property and children. A similar conflict is associated with inequality in the earnings of family members: if one of the couples believes that it is necessary to work on an equal basis, and the other believes that the responsibility to provide for the family rests with only one spouse, it will not be easy to build harmonious relationships. The only way out is to discuss your views in advance and try to find a compromise.

Regular quarrels and disagreements

 This problem is most often characteristic of marriages concluded on the basis of short-term relationships. Under the influence of strong feelings, lovers do not always notice a difference in character or worldview. But sometimes different views are formed even later – and the discrepancy of opinions leads to the emergence of conflict situations. Any dispute can be resolved in several ways, but sometimes it develops into a serious conflict.  During which the spouses can express even more claims and insults to each other than they originally planned. If this situation is repeated too often, divorce may be inevitable.

It is not always easy to achieve such a decision, but any argument can be decisive – that is why it is better to adhere to the existing situation when filling out the documents.

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